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来源:热心网友     时间:2017-02-17     





Watching CCTV Spring Festival Gala has become one of the traditions for millions of households in China, but some people insist that CCTV Spring Festival Gala should be canceled.

First of all, they think it is quite consumptive to spend such an amount of time and money on a single evening party. Secondly, it is difficult for the programs to cater to everyone. One case in point is people in the South find understanding and appreciating cross-talks and witty skits almost impossible. Finally, some people, especially the young, turn to other alternatives for relaxation, Karaoke or surfing online for instance.

As far as I’m concerned, CCTV Spring Festival Gala has been rooted in Chinese traditional celebration of the lunar New Year for so many years that we need reserve it, in spite of all the opposition. For one thing, it is an occasion on which all the family members gather and watch the programs. For another, a large audience are attracted to the interesting and popular programs such as cross-talk, magic trick, singing and dancing.



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