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北师大版高二英语必修三unit8单元Lesson 2 Extreme Sports知识点

来源:热心网友     时间:2016-09-27     

高二英语知识点是考试经常考察的内容,因此课下大家要认真温习这些内容,这样才能在解题时取得事半功倍的效果,下面学大教育网为大家带来北师大版高二英语必修三unit8单元Lesson 2 Extreme Sports知识点,希望对大家学习高二英语有帮助。

back out

1.withdraw from an agreement or contract撤回协议或契约;退出

If you back out from the contract,you will have to pay a large sum of money to the company.如果你违背协议,就得向公司支付一大笔钱。

She backed out of her engagement.她不履行婚约。

2.fail to fulfil sth. such as a promise or obligation食言;收回承担的责任

He agreed to lend me the money,but backed out later.他答应借钱给我的,可是后来变卦了。

At the last minute, John backed out and refused to go with us.最后一分钟时,约翰变卦了,不同意和我们一起去。

He backed out because there was not much profit in this undertaking.由于这项事业效益不大,他中途退出了。

学大教育网为大家精心准备了北师大版高二英语必修三unit8单元Lesson 2 Extreme Sports知识点,希望大家能够在高二英语学习的过程中注重掌握知识点,想要获取更多的高二英语知识点,请查阅学大教育网。


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