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来源:学大教育     时间:2014-10-09 19:16:32

很多的小学生都很喜欢看一些的语言故事,因为寓言故事本身的篇幅又比较的短,看起来快。另外寓言故事一般都会告诉我们一个为人处事的道理,所以受到大家的欢迎。下面我们将要给大家同的是驴子和他的影子的故事,并且带着英文翻译 ,大家可以认真的看看。




A certain man hired an Ass for a journey in summertime, and started out with the owner following behind to drive the beast. By and by, in the heat of the day, they stopped to rest, and the traveller wanted to lie down in the Ass's Shadow; but the owner, who himself wished to be out of the sun, wouldn't let him do that; for he said he had hired the Ass only, and not his Shadow: the other maintained that his bargain secured him complete control of the Ass for the time being. From words they came to blows; and while they were belabouring each other the Ass took to his heels and was soon

out of sight.


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